Easy Polish Podcast

-coming soon!

Cześć, Aga & Justyna here 👋

Are you learning Polish and searching for fun self-study materials?

We'll tell you something in secret - we’re currently working on a podcast for people like just you.

Want to learn more?

We’re putting together 12 episodes where you’ll meet some interesting characters and hear about their adventures in the Polish reality. Our goal is to keep you hooked on their stories while sneakily helping you learn Polish along the way. By listening, you’ll pick up useful phrases and grammar that’ll get you closer to that beginner level called A1.

Joining us on this journey are our friends Dawid and Janusz (yes, that Janusz from Easy German).

If you’re excited about our podcast, drop us your email here so you won’t miss any updates once it’s out. 📬

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